The iSlate Will Be Announced In

July 31, 2007

Mobile iPhone Power

If you take your iPhone with you when you travel (and who doesn't?) you'll want to make sure you have an Inflight Power Recharger Cable in your carry-on luggage. This little bad-boy plugs into any normal headphone jack and magically converts headphone-jack-juice into enough power to make your iPhone Go-Go. It's totally sci-fi.

As an added bonus, this model also has a battery in its belly, so you can add a little boosty to your iPhone even when you're not in First Class.

The Inflight Power Recharger Cable received extensive in-flight testing by an iphonePOV contributing editor and is iphonePOV certified for iPhone use.

July 29, 2007

iPhones Can Be Funtastic

If you're a ten your old kid, you probably think the iPhone has some great ring tones. If you're anyone else, you're disappointed that your iPhone sounds the same as every other iPhone. Well, all that is over. Now you you can customize the ring tones and graphic layout of your iPhone with iFuntastic. This little diddy does do some feaky hacker stuff to your phone, so, if something goes wrong, you might have to restore your iPhone, or go to the Apple Store and claim 'it just died...' When the upside is Alphaville's
Forever Young
as a ring tone, the possibility of bricking the iPhone seems like small potatoes.

If you're feeling extra crafty, you can even create iPhone ringtones from iTunes Store Song Previews, which saves you the time of editing a song into a size that is appropriate for a ringtone. Thanks Apple.

July 27, 2007

iPhone Mojo

Each and every cool new application that comes out for iPhone is not worthy of a front page story on iphonePOV, but this one is so cool, we're breaking the rules.

Mojit is a smooth little web interface which helps you keep all your iPhone applications in one personalized iPhone-esque location. The result a single bookmark which will lead you to dozens of iPhone programs, instead of dozens bookmarks which are a pain to keep track of.

You do have to sign up, but they only want your email and a user name (and you could give a false e-mail because it's not verified.) Check it!

July 25, 2007

iPhone Bookmarks On Steroids

A couple of the features missing from the iPhone can be added with this list of handy Bookmarklets. These little puppies are top-secret Java Script files, disguised as mere Safari bookmarks, that can activate your iPhone's super-powers. Think Popeye and spinach.

Here's a taste of some of the incredible feats you can achieve with Bookmarklets:

  • Find specific text on a web page
  • Search reference sites (dictionary, thesaurus, etc.) without navigating to the web page
  • Display all links or pictures on a web page in a new page (who needs this?)
Anyway, you get the gist. You can do a bunch of things you don't really need to do, and the whole process will give you yet another reason to doodle with your iPhone and ignore your loved ones.

July 24, 2007

Shoot The Trouble Out Of iPhone

Do you remember the first time your iPhone crashed? We do, it was a real bummer. Thing is, it happens all too often, and while it's not possible to completely avoid application crashes, there are a couple of things you can do (along with crossing your fingers) which might help prevent the dreaded black screen. (First, stop surfing porn!) Next, head on over to iPhone Atlas where they have a cool page about troubleshooting iPhone crashes.

July 20, 2007

Surf Wtih The EDGE Network 5 Times Faster!

UPDATE #1 (1/1/2008) Unfortunately, Google changed the way it loads pages to the iPhone, so the method detailed in the video below no longer works. However, iPhonePOV found another way that is almost as easy, to see how it's done, please check out our updated story on Surfing with EDGE 5 Times Faster - Part 2.

The follow information is not correct. (See update above.)

Yes, that's right, five times faster. Pages that normally take 50 seconds to download will be on your iPhone in 10 seconds (and even less...)

If you want to read how to speed up EDGE Browsing, click here. (This page also has a brief history of EDGE and why it sucks the goat for iPhone surfing.)

If you're lazy want to be spoon-fed the method, watch the video below:

Video thumbnail. Click to play
Click To Play

If you're looking at this page with an iPhone, click here for Full Screen iPhone Video

iphonePOV Homepage

July 18, 2007

Protect Your iPhone For 99¢

The folks at found the HHI iPhone Screen Protector selling for only 99¢ (shipping is only $2.85, so there's no small print that ruins the deal.) To get the 99¢ price, you have to enter coupon code: "iphoscreen" at checkout.

We don't know anyone who's used this screen protector, so we can't vouch for its quality. But honestly, with three bucks at stake, who need 'vouching.'

If you're rich enough to buy this thing and brave enough to stick it on your iPhone, please post a comment so others can re-live your glory.

July 17, 2007

How To Get Movies From DVD To iPhone has published a step-by-step guide to ripping (off) your personal DVDs and re-compressing them into a format that plays nice with iPhone. The article is basically just a quick tutorial for the amazing program, Handbrake, and while their suggested compression settings will work, the testing department at iPhonePOV was able to achieve considerably smaller file sizes by experimenting with Handbrake's 'Target Size' and 'Picture Settings.'

If you're feeling adventurous, disregard Hackzine's suggested sizes and tweak the horizontal 'Picture Setting' to 480 (iPhone's native size) and enter a 'Target Size' of 500 (MB). The resulting movie will be the same quality of Hackzine's movies and roughly 60% smaller. (For a closer look at iphonePOV's settings, click the picture above.)

NOTE: Handbrake will NOT be able unable to rip certain DVDs--A lot of DVDs from Sony Pictures will not load into handbrake.

Legal Disclaimer: iphonePOV does not condone, permit, encourage, endorse, support, practice or otherwise allow the ripping of DVD's (or any content) that is not legally permitted under the terms of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

July 16, 2007

iPhone Is Only 68 Bugs Away From Being Perfect

Not bad. Bet you can't say the same thing about your high school girlfriend.

Anyway, the nit-pickers at AppleHound have published a ridiculously copious list of iPhone bugs. Each of the alleged foibles was confirmed on two separate iPhones, which is AppleHound's way of proving a bug is really a bug. As a read, it's quite a yawner, but for those of you who have encountered a problem with your iPhone, and want to see if two other iPhones have the same problem, this would be a good place to start.

Turn Your iPhone Into A Crummy iPod

This tidbit just in from MacRumors: with a nifty little service from seeqpod, you can stream music to your iPhone. This program does not stream your iTunes music from your home computer, instead, it searches the web for music and streams that to your iPhone. It has some neat-o search options and works pretty well when connected via WiFi (and basically doesn't work at all when connected via EDGE.) This service sounds great on (virtual) paper, but since the iPhone is an iPod and it's so easy to sync your favorite music to it, we just got pissed off waiting the 10+ seconds for each song to stream, because we knew they would play instantly if we had them in iTunes. That being said, if you're dying to hear the latest Esmee song before you can download it to iTunes, this is a nifty little tool.

Direct iPhone link at:

July 14, 2007

Quickly Delete Email On The iPhone

There are 2 ways to delete email on the iPhone. The slow way, and the not-so-secret, yet sort of secret, quick way.

Here's the slow and obvious way. When you're inside an inbox looking at a list of messages, hit the 'EDIT' button on the top right of the iPhone's screen, then push the 'red minus circle' button next to an individual email, then push the 'DELETE' button that appears after pushing the minus button. This method works well, and if you have all day to delete emails, we think it's the way to go.

If, however, you only have a couple of minutes for deleting email, there's a crafty way that's also faster. Simply slide your finger from left to right across the specific message you want to erase and the 'DELETE' button will appear. This magic finger-stroke allows you to erase a long list of junk mail without entering the edit mode and pushing the minus button. That's two button pushes you can save for your next elevator trip.

PS The swipe trick will also work in the 'VIDEOS' list on your iPhone's iPod. (Don't even bother swiping at other iPhone apps, the interns at iphonePOV spent the afternoon swiping at everything that looks deletable, and the trick only works for emails and videos.)

UPDATE 1: An anonymous tipster was kind enough to point out that the swipe-a-roo can also delete iPhone SMS chats. Coincidentally, iphonePOV is now looking for some new interns.

July 13, 2007

Add Custom Ringtones To Your iPhone

The boys at have figured out a crazy way to install custom ring tones on your iPhone. It's not for the faint of heart. In fact, no one at iphonePOV has the stones to try it out, but if you're brave, go for it. Oh, by the way, if you screw it up, you might have to throw out your iPhone. No pressure though.

If you cross the threshold into the land of iPhone customization, you'll want to check out this list of iPhone compatible ringtones.

Win Big With iPhone

Well, not really. But you can pretend to win big with Scenario Poker for the iPhone. It plays in landscape or portrait and it's quite snappy for a web based app.

Here's the direct gameplay link for iPhones:

July 12, 2007

Find Free WiFi Access Anywhere has a great tip about how to find free WiFi spots anywhere in America. Fire up Google Maps on your iPhone and type 'wifi zip code'* in the search field.


*type an actual zip code, not the word zip code.

Kick-Ass Web Video For Your iPhone

If you want to impress your friends, your mom, or the neighbor's dog, point your iPhone to:

This nifty page has a boat-load of movie trailers which have been encoded for optimal streaming (in glorious full-screen) on the iPhone. Check it out, it's a site to behold.

Here's a little something-something a few of the editors at iphonePOV realized after watching a bunch of trailers on their iPhones--if three minutes can stream without a hitch, it's probably just as easy to serve up a TV show or a feature film... Hmmm... Could streaming iPhone content be a future option at the iTunes Store? You heard it here first.

UPDATE: Reader 'badweasel' was kind enough to point out that the iPhone does not support real time streaming (RTSP) for quicktime. In light of this new evidence, it is very unlikely that Apple will offer streaming movies or TV shows for the iPhone. For a more detailed explanation, check out the comments attached to this post.

July 11, 2007

Use The iPhone As A Hard Drive

Software publisher Ecamm has just released iPhoneDrive, a program which allows files to be moved to and from the free space on an iPhone. While not as capable as a manually managed iPod (you can't sync songs by dragging them into your iPhone) it does add some flexibility that was oddly lacking from the iPhone.

It's $9.95 with a free week trial.

iPhone Nano? Not Likely.

Yesterday, Numerous analysts and iPhone related websites predicted that Apple will announce a scaled down (in size and capability) version of the iPhone before the end of the year. Speculation pointed to a device approximately the size of iPod Nano that would retail for half the price of the current iPhone.

iPhonePOV has learned that this rumor was nothing more than wild conjecture based on recent Apple patent applications, which are notoriously ambiguous and misleading. Reliable analysts, like JP Morgan, are also distancing themselves from this rumor, which was simply not believable (typing anything on a Nano would be next to impossible) and did not fit into Apple's historical release patterns for hardware upgrades.

Undoubtedly, some form of smaller iPhone is already a twinkle in Apple's eye, but the public will not see it in the next five months.

July 10, 2007

iPhone Browser History Does NOT Delete

This little tid-bit just popped up on the iPhonePOV boards and it's such a doozie, it deserves special notice.

Basically, it boils down to this: if you surf porn on your iPhone, you might get caught!

When the you clear Safari's history by pushing the 'clear history' button under Safari's settings, the iPhone only erases the text-based 'history' of sites you have visited, it does NOT erase all memory of the site from the browser. This means if you push the 'back' arrow on the browser, Safari will load a previous site, even though the history should be cleared.

If you want to truly clear Safari's history of all incriminating evidence, this is the correct and rather tedious procedure:

After pushing the 'clear history' button in settings, go back to Safari and touch the pages button (overlapping squares lower right), click "new page" - a blank page will load full screen. Then push the pages button again and close the previous page(s) by pushing the little red X. The new page has no history.

Test Your Thumbs of Fire!

If you've been wondering just how fast your flipper fingers can peck out words on your iPhone... Stop. You don't have to wonder any longer. Point your iPhone's Safari Browser to the iPhone Typing Test.

PS If you're score is less than 20 wpm, you need major practice.

Save Money With Your iPhone

Here's the deal, the wireless companies have a real racket going when it comes to 411. Here's the price of a call to ATT's 411 as listed on their website:

While on the AT&T wireless network, the rate for AT&T 411 is $1.79 per call, plus airtime, roaming and applicable long distance. Additional surcharges may apply when off the AT&T wireless network.

$1.79 per call!!! In New Jersey we call that highway robbery!

Well, you don't have to put up with it anymore! Thanks to Google's 'Do No Evil' plan to take over the world, they are now offering, FOR FREE, an 'experimental' voice activated local 411 service that can save you tons of money.

1-800-GOOG-411 (1-800-466-4411)

After you dial this free number you will be asked your city and state, after you say it, you will be asked for a category (you can say something as broad as, 'pizza') or business name (you could mention my cousin's pizza joint, Ninos.) After they provide the information, they will connect the call for FREE. There's even an option to say 'Text Message' which will get you text message with the info you request.

(This will work for all wireless callers, though it is this editor's opinion that iPhone users laid down so much doe for their phones that they are more in need of couple of freebies...)

July 9, 2007

Frank (and not so good) Review of iPhone

Gizmodo, one of the leading tech blogs in the world, posted a no BS review of the iPhone after 10 days of use. Their verdict... wait for updates before you buy this thing. Interestingly, they decided not to heed their own advice and are keeping their flawed iPhone--so it is a very mixed review. All of the shortcoming they point out are very real and should be carefully considered before signing up for a 2 year commitment to iPhone and the dreaded ATT.

Online Word Processor For iPhone

gOffice for iPhone is now online. This simple service allows you to create a Word document (via a web interface) which you can view online or email to yourself. For an additional $3.00 gOffice will print a hard-copy and send (via snail mail) your document anywhere you want. It's a great addition to a growing list of iPhone applications available online.

July 7, 2007

iPhone Design Flaw!

Regular iphonePOV reader, phoneturkey604 pointed out a potential design flaw in Apple's iPhone. Apparently, after only 1 week of normal use, his iPhone started building up a nifty little collection of pocket lint in the tiny holes normally reserved for the microphone. (Phoneturkey604 did assume some responsibility for this potential calamity when he begrudgingly admitted he has been keeping his iPhone in the pocket of his blue-jeans, and that until recently, he never bothered to check them for lint.)

To date, the lint-filled holes have not effected the microphone's ability to capture audio, but if the iPhone has that much lint in it after only seven days, it's gonna look like the lint-collector in Grandma's dryer six months from now, which will undoubtedly effect audio processing.

After some initial investigating, iphonePOV has made the following additional discoveries:

  1. The stuff is nearly impossible to remove. Even a needle couldn't do the trick. The only way that stuff is gonna get out of there is if the phone is opened.
  1. An iPhone case cannot protect you from this lint--the sound holes are always exposed to facilitate phone calls. The only surefire way to avoid pocket-lint, is to avoid pockets.
Keep your eyes open for miniature lint vacuums which are bound to hit he market as news of this flaw spreads.

iPhone Emergency!

In 2005, Bob Brotchie, a British paramedic developed a system called ICE (In Case of Emergency) to help medical professionals locate emergency contacts for injured patients unable to communicate their information.

All cell phone owners (including those with the fashionable iPhone) can initiate ICE by putting a contact in their address book labeled: ICE (followed by a dash and the name and relationship of the contact listed.) For instance, Phill Shiller, Apple's VP World Wide Marketing, might have an ICE contact in his iPhone that would look like this:

ICE--Steve Jobs--My Boss

We here at iPhonePOV sincerly hope our readers will never need something like ICE, but if you do, you'll be glad you have it.

iPhone Remote Access

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
There are tons of Web 2.0 apps for iPhone popping up across the net... one of the coolest new offerings is Telekinesis, a remote access client for Macintosh. With this bad-boy, your iPhone can take control of your Macintosh, allowing you to remotely snap pictures with iSight, browse your files and even control some applications. Right now, it's an alpha (that's before a beta) release so use with caution, but a great taste of the iPhone apps to come.

July 6, 2007

How To Make Video For iPhone

HD For Indies (great blog about indie filmmaking) has an in depth article about creating video content for iPhone. It includes codecs, sizes and bit-rates for full-screen delivery over WiFi and Edge. If you're making video and you want people to watch it on an iPhone, this is a great first stop.

iPhone vs. Treo

When a company puts out a smart phone, it has to be compared to the category leader, Palm's Treo. The iPhone is no exception. Palminfocenter pits the Orchard Original against the Business Bohemoth and the results are enlightening, albeit a tad skewed (consider the website's name if you will.) Interesting points are made for both sides.

July 5, 2007

Safari Finger-TIP

One of iphonePOV's users just discovered a neat little time-saver in Safari for iPhone. If you place and hold your finger on a link for a couple of seconds, a tiny window will pop-up and display the link name and the URL. If you simply lift your finger, Safari will start loading the selected page, if you slide your finger off, you will remain on the same page. Nifty.

This tip can be used anywhere in safari, but we found it most useful when looking at a zoomed out page with links that are so small they are hard to read.

**Coming soon, iphonePOV is putting the final touches on a method for surfing the Internet with ATT's Edge that is 5 times faster than standard Edge browsing.

Cool New Game For iPhone

Diamenty is cool web based game for the iPhone. It's a very faithful imitation of the immensely popular Bejeweled game available for pretty much every computer platform in the world. While this version is not as snappy as the Bejeweled game the ships with Palm products, it is fun and a nice taste of iPhone games to come.

Audiophiles Are Pissed-Off at Apple

iphonePOV recently discovered that the hole for the headphone plug on the top of the iPhone is recessed into the device, and as a result, nearly all 1/8" (3.5mm) headphones and accessories cannot be utilized without an adapter. While many users are content with the headphones that ship with the iPhone, many Audiophiles prefer higher-quality, over-the-ear headphones, and will be annoyed and surprised when they attempt to connect their overpriced headphones to their overpriced phone and realize they'll have to spend even more money to make the two parts fit. Belkin is the first out of the gate with an adapter which is conveniently overpriced as well.

Side note 1 -- if you're looking to make a buck on the iPhone craze, forget selling overstocked phones on ebay, and instead, figure out how to get a headphone adapter on the market for a reasonable price.

Side note 2 -- This is not the first time Apple has modified an existing connector to control which accessories can easily connect to their machines. e.g. The USB connector on the end of the white wired keyboard that ships with the G5 and iMac has a small notch in it which allows it to only fit into Apple USB ports.

July 4, 2007

Save 2 Clicks With Each Number You Type!

At first glance, typing punctuation on the iphone is real pain -- you have to push 3 buttons just to type a '?' and return to normal typing mode. But, iphonePOV has learned a secret trick for typing numbers and punctuation with 1 press of the iPhone keyboard.

Heres how: Instead of pushing the button to enter the number/punctuation mode and then pushing again for the number y0u want.... Push the number/punctuation mode button and hold it down (do not lift your finger) while still pressing the keyboard, slide your finger to the punctuation or number symbol that you want to type. When you lift your finger, the iphone will type the item you selected and automatically return to the default 'qwerty' keyboard.

This will save you two clicks per number or punctuation. You can take those clicks to the bank!

July 3, 2007

iPhone's Upside-Down Magic

Everyone has seen the demo of pictures rotating sideways as the iPhone is turned on its side, but iphonePOV recently discovered that the 'PHOTOS' application takes that neat feature one step further by automatically reorienting pictures even if the iPhone is turned upside-down.

This is particularly useful if you want to show some photos to a friend. Just fire up the application, select a photo and tilt the iPhone forward (so it is upside-down) and the picture will rotate 180˚ so it is properly oriented.

Please use caution when showing off this feature. It is so cool, the first time we used it on someone who had never seen an iPhone, their head exploded.

iPhone Without the Phone!

Reports are popping up across the web from various iPhone owners who have managed to bypass mandatory ATT activation, thus turning their iPhone into a widescreen iPod with WiFi internet access (AKA, a 6th generation iPod.)

There seems to be two different ways to do it, the easiest is described on Alex King's Blog. It seems he just called and cancelled his contract with ATT (if you do so within 30 days, you do not have to pay the $175 cancellation fee.) Because his phone still has a SIM card in it, there is a possibility the ATT network could communicate with his phone and disable it.

Another way involves removing the SIM card from the phone, which would make it impossible for ATT to disable your iPhone, but would still leave the possibility that Apple might update iTunes in the future with a little something that could disable iPhones not playing by the rules. Time will tell.

**Any one of these actions could permanently disable all iPhone functions, so do so at your own risk.

July 2, 2007

Sleepy Tip For The iPhone

If there's anything we enjoy at iphonePOV, it's a falling asleep while listening to quiet music on our iPods. Unfortunately, at first glance, the iPhone does not appear to have a sleep timer for its iPod functions, which means no falling asleep to music -- unless you're willing to wake up with a dead battery.

But, it turns out there is a sleep timer for the iPod built into the iPhone, but it's in the 'Clock' interface, not the iPod interface (which we think is very UN-Apple!)

If you want to set up a sleep-timer for your iPhone's iPod, or just want the iPod functions to shut off after a set amount of time, here's how you do it:

  • Ener the 'Clock' interface on the Home screen.
  • Select the button at the bottom right of the 'Clock' interface labeled 'Timer'
  • Set the timer duration using the 2 spinning wheels (wheeeee...)
  • In the pop-up list lableled 'When Timer Ends' select 'SLEEP IPOD'
  • Push 'Set' in the upper right of the wheel screen.
  • Then push 'START' on the timer screen to initiate your timer countdown.

When the timer runs out of time, the iPod music will fade out and your iPhone will lock itself. (This works even if the screen is already off.)


Download Speed Test Results

A number of readers have requested statistical analysis of the download speed tests:

TEST 1 - Download CNN page:
iPhone WiFi (33 sec) vs. Sprint EVDO (67 sec).
iPhone WiFi is 2x faster than Sprint EVDO.

TEST 2 - Download CNN Page:
iPhone AT&T EDGE (61 sec) vs Sprint EVDO (65 sec).
EDGE is 6.5% faster.

Test 3 - Download Site:
iPhone AT&T EDGE (25.2 sec) vs Sprint EVDO (19 sec)
Sprint EVDO is 32% faster.

Test 4 - Reload
iPhone AT&T EDGE (20.2 sec) vs Sprint EVDO (26.1 sec).
EDGE is 29% faster.

In conclusion, I think it's safe to say that the combination of WiFi and Edge give the iPhone enough firepower to hold its own against any current 2.5/3G phone.

iPhone vs. Treo -- Download Speed Tests

iphonePOV pitted Apple's iPhone against the Palm Treo 700 in a series of download tests.

The first test show The iPhone connected via wifi compared to a Treo connected to Sprint's 3G network:

No surpises in the wifi vs. 3g test.

Below is the first of 2 video tests pitting the iPhone, connected to ATT's EDGE network, against the Palm Treo 700 connected to Sprint's 3G network.

The results above were so surprising, we conducted a second test of the same thing: iphone (running on ATT's EDGE) against Treo (running on Sprint 3G)

We here at iphonePOV where shocked that the EDGE network fared so well against a 3G network. Perhaps it has something to do with Safari's superior ability to process and display large pages, or maybe it was just luck, but either way, 3G got it's ass whooped. While these tests are hardly conclusive, they do show that in real-world situations, Apple's iPhone running on the EDGE network can be as fast, or faster than the current 3G phones working on Sprint's 3G network.

July 1, 2007

iPhone Crashes! How To Reset!

Like any computer, the iPhone can crash.

Yesterday, one of the editors at iPhonePOV started having a problem with safari. It seems the program was 'crashing' whenever he tried to load a large webpage. Here's what would happen: He would enter a URL, safari would start downloading the page, and just before it finished downloading, the screen would go black. After a few seconds the iPhone home screen would appear. When he would re-enter Safari, there was no history or cache of the page even though it had been 90% downloaded just moments before. It happened so frequently that a few of us started wondering if his iPhone was bricked*

A 2 hour trip to the mall and a long conversation with a 'genius,' taught us how to handle a crashing iPhone:

Force Quit: Press the Home button for 6 seconds. A force quite is used when a program freezes, but you can still use the rest of the phone's functions.

Hard Reset: Press and hold the Home button and the Power button at the top of the iPhone for at least 8 seconds. You can let go when the Apple Logo appears. This should be used when the phone starts acting erratically or freezes up all together. (A frozen iPhone can drain the battery, so be sure to do this if it freezes.)

A hard-reset fixed our safari crashing problem, so if your iPhone is acting strangely, a hard-reset is probably worth a shot.

* Bricked is high-tech lingo for an electronic device which is broken beyond repair.

iPhone Survives Fumbling Fingered Nerd!

PC World put the iPhone through a couple of stress tests. Key scratches, drops on carpet and even repeated droppings on concrete! Their Verdict -- The iPhone is a bad-ass MoFo. Don't try this at home kids:

iPhone Turbo Typing!

Everyone and their mother is complaining about the keypad and typing speed on the iPhone. In fact, many of us at iphonePOV were Treo/Blackberry users when iPhone was announced and we were quick to cast dispersions on touch-screen typing. Well, we were wrong. After typing with iPhone for 24 hours (or just slightly less--we do sleep now and then) we are fully prepared to eat our words.


The secret to incredibly fast typing on the iPhone is... The Force. As Obi-Wan would say, "Your eyes can deceive you, don't trust them--let go you're conscience self and act on instinct."

Are you ready to put your blast helmet on? First, do not start off using 1 finger as Apple suggested. Start right away with two thumbs and do not go slowly. The slower you go, the more likely you are to second guess yourself, which is the worst thing you can do with the iPhone. iPhone is very goood (and we mean VERY VERY GOOD) at correcting mistakes. It's so good that you can mistype every letter in a long word and when you hit the last (wrong) letter, iPhone will suggest the correct word. It's amazing.

Just in case you think we're lying, check out the video of our Force Powered Typing!