iPhones Can Be Funtastic
If you're a ten your old kid, you probably think the iPhone has some great ring tones. If you're anyone else, you're disappointed that your iPhone sounds the same as every other iPhone. Well, all that is over. Now you you can customize the ring tones and graphic layout of your iPhone with iFuntastic. This little diddy does do some feaky hacker stuff to your phone, so, if something goes wrong, you might have to restore your iPhone, or go to the Apple Store and claim 'it just died...' When the upside is Alphaville's
Forever Young as a ring tone, the possibility of bricking the iPhone seems like small potatoes.
If you're feeling extra crafty, you can even create iPhone ringtones from iTunes Store Song Previews, which saves you the time of editing a song into a size that is appropriate for a ringtone. Thanks Apple.
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