Germany's At It Again!
For those of you old enough to remember, Germany has an ongoing problem with fascism (e.g. WWI, WWII) and oddly enough, it seems the iPhone has ignited that old fascists spirit in the Fatherland.
A court order issued today by a scary looking German Judge, declared that Apple does NOT have to sell an unlocked version of it's gestalt gadget. So if you live in Germany, and you want an iPhone, it's T-Mobile or nothing. While forcing people to join a private network isn't exactly fascism, when it happens in Germany, it's worthy of an eyebrow raise.
Needless to say, if Steve Jobs goose-steps onto the stage for his Macworld speech, we're all in trouble.
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Warum muss man immer gleich alle Deutschen als Faschisten beschimpfen!?
You are subject to the same fascist insults again and again because the German nation murdered more than 10 million people during WWII. Sixty years is not enough time to heal some wounds.
(Sie sind denselben faschistischen Beleidigungen immer wieder unterworfen, weil die deutsche Nation mehr als 10 Millionen Menschen während WWII ermordete. Sechzig Jahre sind nicht genug Zeit, um einige Wunden zu heilen.)
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